Friday 6 May 2011

Hey, you know what?

If it's one thing I've found about making things habits it's that to take any given thing and make it into a habit it has to be somethhing that can be done easily. Blogging giant blocks of fiction isn't easy, especially when you get no views for your efforts.

So here's the plan. From now on I will post on this blog. However it will now be used to post microfiction. And not just any microfiction, microfiction of around 100 words which I like to call micromicrofiction (although the name might be a little generous). This is easy, doable and if someone actually sees it then awesomesauce.

This one's called Humble and Fetching

In a lost clearing in the Thousand-acre Wood, a humble bumble bee said down to drink its tea. It was hard to believe that no-one was as humble as the humble bumble bee. But it was more believable to think that the humble bumble bee's mother would be marginally more humble. But only slightly more humble than the humble bumble bee sitting down to drink its tea. It was eaten by a very fetching cat in a very fetching hat.
“Mrawr” said the cat.
“Roar” said the hat. And that was that. None were quite as fetching as the very fetching cat in the very fetching hat.

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